Aerial Assist was the 2014 FIRST Robotics game. In the game, the alliances win via getting the scoring elements into the scoring areas located on the far end of the field. The game starts with each robots in either the White Zone (center field) or the goalie zones. The robots can then do either the basic goal score (take the ball to the other end of the field), or assist them in doing so. The recipient of the latter will earn bonus points (2 assists=10 points, 3 assists=30 points). Throwing the ball over the truss (the midpoint overhang) when transferring, a la volleyball, will add 10 additional points. Having an alliance partner catch it will earn 10 more points. A robot in the goalie zones can block shots via extending upwards.

Ultimate Ascent

Ultimate Ascent is played by two competing alliances. Each alliance consists of three robots. They compete to score as many discs into their goals as they can during a two (2)-minute and fifteen (15)-second match. The higher the goal in which the disc is scored, the more points the alliance receives. The match begins with a fifteen (15)-second Autonomous Period in which robots operate independently of driver inputs. Discs scored during this period are worth extra points. For the remainder of the match, drivers control robots and try to maximize their alliance score by scoring as many goals as possible. The match ends with robots attempting to climb on pyramids located near the middle of the field. The robot earns points based on how high it climbs.